The Project
2018-2-BG01-KA205-048238Very often in European rural areas young people face geographical, economic and social obstacles and are at high risk of social exclusion. The unemployment rate is much higher among youth in remote rural areas. A lot of young people search for jobs abroad or in other regions, far from home. In this way rural areas are constantly losing qualified, knowledgeable, skillful and talented people. This phenomenon inevitably affects the economic situations of rural communities and results in depopulation and aging.
The Rural Active Youth (RAY) project will support young people in rural areas by creating a job search platform, which will work as a meeting point between them and the local employers. In addition, the project will empower young people through the Cutting-edge Training on job search, which will equip rural youth with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to successfully showcase their abilities to potential employers and efficiently use the job search platform. The tools provided will enhance youth self-esteem and pro-activity at the job market thus empowering to change their situation.
The project is being implemented by an international team from Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy and Portugal.